B Town Studios
Recording Studio / Online Mixing and Mastering
Here are the rates for both local studio time and online mixing and mastering. All online transactions will be made through Paypal for safety of buyer and service provider. Be sure to read all terms and conditions before ordering.

STUDIO TIME (Engineer incl.)
Same price is given for all studio services including recording, mixing and mastering.
$50 for 1 hour
$75 for 2 hours
$100 for 3 hours
$30 an hr if booking 4 hours or more
$25 an hr if booking 8 hours or more (must pay in advance) [Best Price]
* Price per hour lowers as you buy more hours, this is to discourage clients from booking shorter sessions *
* Open 12PM - 10PM Monday - Friday
* 12 - 4PM Saturday
* Time can be scheduled on certain Sundays
* 1 Person at a time (no exceptions). All work is performed 1 on 1 directly with the client / artist and that's it, no third parties allowed.
* Session starts at the time booked, not when the client arrives
* 30 min late = Session Cancelled
* 30 min break every 4 hrs
* No ins / outs
* No smoking / drugs / alcohol
* No music that promotes violence, hate speech, drug dealing / drug use, or gangs
* In studio writing counts as studio time