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Support Christopher Ghanem on Go Fund Me


Christopher Ghanem is the brother of my girlfriend Little Lisa. He needs our help! Chris is 43, from San Francisco, CA. He is battling a very serious heart condition which has completely disabled him. He is struggling to live day to day while battling his illness. He lives with his sister & mother who is also disabled and blind. The faimly is dependent on disability checks & his little sister for income. They have been living paycheck to paycheck for years and deserve help! His condition has worsened this year, and at this point he really needs our help! He has heart failure, respiratory failure, kidney failure, copd, afib, diabetes, can no longer can walk without help, must stay on oxygen 24/7, lost all feeling in his hands, is on dialyses 6 times a week, lost his teeth, and has a long list of other illness from his heart condition. To make it worse, rent in San Francisco is sky high & only getting more expensive!

Please donate whatever you can, and share this video with your friends and family. It would really help Chris and his family at this time.

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